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GitHub - Connection Details

Treno fetches data from GitHub necessary to understand an organization’s performance. Treno uses this information to compute metrics relating to your organization’s development activity. Treno does not write any data to Github.

Treno does not access, read, fetch or require access to any code from any repository.

Connection Options:

  • GitHub connects to Treno using OAuth2

Data Treno Reads

  • Basic user information (user data is currently not utilized by Treno),

    • userid, name, email address

  • Basic organization information,

    • name

  • Metadata from all repos, including:

    • Metadata from all Pull Requests,

    • Metadata from all branches,

    • Metadata from all commits,

    • Metadata from all Security Advisories.

Data Treno Writes

  • None

Rights Requested

This access requires the following OAuth scopes:

  • read:user

  • repo - note: Github does not offer read-only repo access

  • read:org