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Use Cases

Treno is an observability platform for the software development lifecycle.  We bring together metadata and metrics from every story, issue, branch, code review, QA test, merge and deployment and give you a complete understanding of how your teams actually build software. 

Success with Treno involves integrating monitoring and metrics functionality into your existing software development and delivery workflows. The most common use cases for Treno include:




Usage Pattern

Managing Sprint Delivery Cycles

  • Engineering Manager

  • Product Manager

  • Solutions Architect

  • Development Lead

  • Every other day

  • In response to alerts

Sprint Retrospective

  • Engineering Manager

  • Product Manager

  • Solutions Architect

  • Development Lead

  • Post sprint close

Monitoring SDLC Process Efficiency

  • CTO

  • VP, Engineering

  • Director, Engineering

  • Monthly

  • In response to alerts

Measuring Individual Engineer Productivity

  • Engineering Manager

  • Monthly

  • In response to alerts

  • On demand for 1:1s

Measuring Team Productivity

  • VP, Engineering

  • Monthly

  • In response to alerts