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What is Software Engineering Intelligence?

Treno delivers software engineering intelligence, through calculating development metrics, establishing performance baselines and assisting development teams improve their productivity and effectiveness.  The platform seamlessly integrates with the various tools used throughout the software development life cycle, models your organization's software delivery process, and establishes a connection between strategic business outcomes and engineering metrics.

The key to understanding Treno starts with understanding what it delivers:

  1. Observability: achieved by effortlessly integrating with the SDLC tooling. By utilizing metadata from these systems, it models your team's code development and software product-building process, enabling in-depth analysis of every branch, epic, issue, or incident.

  2. Analysis: accomplished by transforming metadata into actionable metrics and insights that identify software delivery issues.

  3. Improvement: empowers engineering leaders to compare their teams' performance with industry leaders and drive improvement by setting data-driven goals.

Treno provides software engineering leaders with the tools and insights they need to make data-driven decisions that can optimize time, finances, resources, and ultimately enhance the overall development process and team culture.